Thursday, January 7, 2016


JENGOK-jengok dalam peti ais tengok ada taugeh dan kacang panjang. 

Taugeh ni actually plan asal nak buat char kuey tiow tapi terasa cam malasssss je harini. Pastu kacang panjang ni lebih dari buat ayam masak merah ala Thai semalam.

Satu lauk dah siap - siakap masam manis. So pikir punya pikir since tiada sayur lagi saya decided buat kerabu sodap gak ni.



1 mangkuk kacang panjang - dipotong pendek-pendek 
1 mangkuk taugeh 
5 biji cili padi
1 labu bawang besar
3 sb kelapa parut - boleh juga guna kelapa kering (descicated coconut) 
1 sb kerisik kelapa
1/2in belacan - dibakar
Sedikit garam


- Untuk mencelur sayur, mula-mula panaskan air dalam periuk sampai mengelegak. Tutup api dan masukkan kacang panjang dan taugeh. Kacau dan tengok bila kacang panjang tukar warna hijau terang boleh lah angkat dan toskan air.
- Belacan, bawang dan cili padi ditumbuk kasar.
- Campurkan ke dalam sayur-sayur tadi
- Satukan dengan kelapa parut dan kerisik. Gaul hingga sebati.
- Tambah garam dan rasa. Jika rasa kurang boleh tambah lagi sampai puas hati.

That's all, yo!

Monday, January 4, 2016


SELAIN dari masak berkuah, mee segera Maggi boleh juga diolah menjadi satu lagi hidangan yang sangat sedap dan amat digemari bukan sahaja kanak-kanak tetapi yang dewasa juga.

Murtabak Maggi seperti juga yang original mee berkuah sangat mudah untuk disediakan. Malah bahan-bahannya pun tidak banyak.

Tapi seperti biasa bila makan instant food ni kena lah berpada-pada. Jangan berlebih-lebihan nanti tak elok untuk kesihatan.

Oppsss, sebelum terlajak nasihat apa kata kita terus tengok bagaimana nak buat resepi mudah dan enak ini.


Source: Maggi Malaysia

2 peket Mi Maggi perisa Kari
1 sb minyak masak
100g ayam/hotdog cincang
5 biji telur
2 sb daun sup - dicincang
3 sb bawang besar - dicincang


- Celur mi tanpa perencah selama dua minit kemudian tos kan
- Satukan semua bahan-bahan lain didalam satu mangkuk dan digaul bersama perencah kari Maggi (yang terdapat didalam peket mee segera tadi)
- Masukkan mi yang telah dicelur tadi. Gaul sebati
- Panaskan minyak dalam kuali non-stick dan goreng murtabak Maggi selama tiga minit.
- Terbalikkan dan goreng lagi 3 minit.
* untuk mudah menterbalikkan murtabak guna pinggan atau dirumah saya gunakan bahagian bawah springform baking pan. Kalau cuma guna sudip sure boleh rabak murtabak dan jadi tak cantik.

Hidangkan panas-panas, yo!

Sunday, January 3, 2016


KALAU rajin buat roti canai atau puri, mesti rajin juga buat kuah dal. Selain dari kuah kari, kuah dal juga perlengkap hidangan-hidangan diatas.

Seperti di restoren-restoren mamak selalunya kuah ini yang akan dihidangkan bila kita order roti puri.

Terpulang pada selera masing-masing boleh dibuat pekat atau cair dengan hanya menambah atau mengurangkan kentang atau kacang dal.

Kuah dal yang tidak habis boleh disimpan didalam peti ais dan bila nak guna just reheat. Dan kalau nak simpan lebih lama boleh juga disimpan didalam freezer. 



1 cawan kacang dal
3 cawan air
3 biji kentang saiz kecil - dipotong dadu
1/2 st serbuk kunyit
3 biji cili hijau - dipotong
sayur campur - saya ambil lebih lobak
minyak untuk menumis
garam dan gula secukupnya

Bahan B

1in halia - dimayang
3 ulas bawang putih
1 biji bawang besar
1 tangkai daun kari
1 sb rempah campur (kulit kayu manis, cengkih, pelaga, bunga lawang dll)
1 st biji sawi


- Rebus kacang dal dalam periuk. Bila mendidih masukkan serbuk kunyit. Kacau.
- Apabila kacang dal dah agak empuk, masukkan kentang. Rebus semua sampai empuk
- Kemudian masukkan cili padi. Kecilkan api.
- Didalam kuali lain, panaskan minyak.
- Tumis semua bahan A sehingga layu dan naik bau. Kemudian curahkan ke dalam rebusan dal tadi.
- Tambah garam dan gula secukupnya.

Hidangkan segera, yo!!

Friday, January 1, 2016


HAPPY new year, selamat tahun baru... pada yang menyambutnya lah. Bagi saya hari ini, macam hari-hari semalam, sama sahaja.

Tiada sambutan istimewa dan kalau tidak kerana rancangan-rancangan TV yang saya tengok asyik berulang kali mengucap selamat tahun baru mungkin saya tidak perasan yang kita sudah melangkah ke 2016.

Cuma yang saya tahu tahun ini akan menjadi tahun yang amat mencabar terutamanya bagi yang bekerja sendiri kerana harga-harga barang keperluan dan juga baking dijangka terus naik. Hmm...

Tapi seperti biasa saya tidak suka stress-stress dengan benda yang belum berlaku sehingga ia sudah berlaku. Jadi untuk malam ini lebih baik fikir tentang apa yang saya nak isikan didalam blog ini.

Something simple, mudah dibuat tapi yang penting sedap untuk kami nikmati.

Untuk resepi pertama yang saya ingin kongsikan pada hari pertama di tahun baru ini terima lah...jeng, jeng, jeng... Roti Perancis Cheese.

Sebenarnya ini adalah resepi roti john yang diubahsuai menggunakan roti perancis.



1 btg roti Perancis (baru, jgn beli yg dah keras)
200g daging ayam cincang
2biji bawang merah - dicincang
3 ulas bawang putih - dicincang
1/2 sb serbuk kari
1/2 sb serbuk garam masala
Serbuk perasa dan serbuk lada hitam secukupnya

(untuk roti)
2 biji telur
Cheddar slice, serbuk parmesan dan shredded mozzarella secukupnya
Sos cili/tomato/lada hitam
hirisan tomato

- Tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih, masukkan daging, serbuk kari dan serbuk garam masala.
- Goreng daging sampai masak. Perasakan secukupnya.
- Tutup api dan biar sejuk.

Untuk roti:
- Pukul telur. Masukkan dalam inti daging. Kacau bagi sebati.
- Sebab saya akan masak dalam kuali ajaib dan roti Perancis agak2 panjang saya potong kepada dua bahagian.
- Setiap satu bahagian kita potong memanjang pula tetapi jangan bagi putus.
- Sapu permukaan roti dengan marjerin dan letak atas kuali ajaib tadi. Gril sehingga garing. Angkat dan ketepikan.
- Kemudian sapu sedikit minyak atas kuali ajaib, guna senduk dan ambil inti tadi secukupnya ratakan atas kuali.
- Susun slice cheddar secukupnya diatas inti. Tabur pula serbuk parmesan dan shredded mozzarella.
- Ambil roti yang dibelah tadi telangkupkan atas inti, masak sekejap inti tu. Bila dah masak inti dan telur tu, tutup kuali ajaib dan terbalikkan untuk masak bahagian atas roti sekejap. Siap!
- Letak salad pilihan anda. Saya cuma letak tomato sebab anak-anak tak berapa suka sayur.
- Akhir sekali curah sos cili, tomato, lada hitam dan juga mayonis.
- Lipat dan angkat keatas pinggan. Potong kepada beberapa bahagian untuk mudah makan.

Enjoy, Yo!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


THIS month gonna be something different. Instead of recipes I will only post interesting information collected from various sources including Facebook, blogs and others.

The reason is I'm going to be very busy with various activities that will take me away from the kitchen. 

Enough chitchat, first up is the article I read in The Tough Cookie about how to convert (reduce or multiply) a cake recipe when using a different pan size.


Imagine being in your kitchen, ready to bake an awesome cake. The first thing you do is turn on your oven and read through the recipe (because we all do that, right?). Say the recipe you want to make calls for an 8-inch springform pan, and all you have is a 9-inch springform pan. Or, even worse, you don’t even have a springform pan and all you have is a regular round 9-inch cake pan. Or, you have an 8-inch cake pan, a 10-inch cake pan and even a 12-inch cake pan, but not a 7-inch cake pan!
It’s the worst! Especially if you’re halfway through a recipe…
So what do you do when this happens? Well, you may find yourself surfing the world wide web in order to find out if you can use one of your other pans. Usually, what you’ll find is something like this:
Pan SizeVolumeor…Pan SizeVolume
6 x 2 inches4 cups18 x 5 centimeters1280 mls
8 x 2 inches6 cups20 x 5 centimeters1570 mls
9 x 2 inches8 cups22 x 5 centimeters1900 mls
Yeah… So not helpful! I don’t need to know how much water goes into a 6-inch pan! I need to know if I can use one of the pans I already have instead of the pan the recipe calls for!
Enter: the Round Cake Pan Conversion Formula!


If you were to use a smaller cake pan that the recipe calls for, you would quickly find out that the amount of batter the recipe makes is too much for your smaller pan. Best case scenario? You realize this before the pan is in the oven and decide not to pour all the batter in. That could happen.
Another thing that could happen is: you pour all the batter in your cake pan only to find out that, once it’s time to pull the cake out of the oven, it isn’t done yet. You decide to give the cake another few minutes in the oven, which eventually leads to a done cake with a burned top. Not ideal…
And the worst case scenario? You pour all the batter in, place the cake in the oven and go about your business. Forty minutes later you’re scraping blackened bits of cake from the bottom of your oven, because the batter has spilled over the edges of your cake pan…
Truth be told, using a smaller cake pan isn’t the end of the world, especially if you know what you’re doing. I make larger batches of cake batter all the time and use them to make smaller cakes. After all, experienced bakers know to only fill a cake pan halfway to two-thirds of the way up with batter. And having some leftover batter usually isn’t a problem. Not in this house, anyway…
No, it gets tricky when you only have a slightly larger pan at your disposal. Sure, you could double the recipe, but usually that means that you will have a lot of leftover batter. And while I like a little leftover cake batter, I don’t like having an entire bowl of the stuff… I can’t just throw it away, but eating it all seems a little excessive… So does eating an entire batch of cupcakes made with leftover batter…


Like I said: with this formula, you can adjust the original recipe to fit your cake pan of choice. Just keep in mind, this formula only changes the cake’s diameter, not its height! If you want a taller or thinner cake, this formula won’t help you much.
Step 1: start by determining the radius of the pan the recipe calls for:
(diameter of cake pan in centimeters or inches )/ 2 = radius
So, for a 18-cm cake pan:
18/2 = 9 cm  –> radius is 9 cm
For a 7-inch cake pan:
7/2 = 3.5 inches –> radius is 3.5 inches
Step 2: determine the radius of the pan you want to use:
Again: (diameter of cake pan in centimeters or inches )/ 2 = radius
If you want to use a 20-cm cake pan:
20/2 = 10 cm –> radius is 10 cm
If you want to use an 8-inch cake pan:
8/2 = 4 inches –> radius is 4 inches
Step 3: use the new round cake pan conversion formula to determine the factor with which you need to multiply the ingredients in the recipe
Round cake pan conversion formula:
(radius x radius of the pan you’re using)/ (radius x radius of the pan the recipe calls for) = factor
So, in centimeters:
(10×10)/(9×9) = 1.234
If the recipe calls for a 18-cm cake pan and you want to use a 20-cm cake pan, the factor with which you need to multiply the ingredients  the recipe calls for is 1.234.
And in inches:
(4×4)/(3,5×3.5) = 1.306
If the recipe calls for a 7-inch cake pan and you want to use a 8-inch cake pan, the factor with which you need to multiply the ingredients  the recipe calls for is 1.306.
Step 4: once you’ve calculated the factor by which you should multiply the ingredients, calculate the amount of ingredient’s you’ll need:
The recipe may call for the following ingredients:
– 4 eggs
– 200g (or 1 cup) of sugar
– 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
– 480ml (or 2 cups) of milk
For centimeters:
4 (eggs) x 1.234 = 4.936 eggs –> 5 eggs
200 (grams of sugar) x 1.234 = 246.8 grams of sugar –> 250g of sugar
1 teaspoon (vanilla extract) x 1.234 = 1.234 teaspoon of vanilla extract –> 1¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
480 (ml of milk) x 1.234 = 592.32 ml of milk –>590ml milk
For inches, bearing in mind that 1 cup equals 240ml:
4 (eggs) x 1.306 = 5.224 eggs –> 5 eggs
240ml (of sugar) x 1.306= 313.44 ml of sugar –> 1¼ cup + 1 tablespoon sugar
5 (ml vanilla extract) x 1.306 = 6.53 ml –> 1¼ teaspoon vanilla extract 
480 (ml of milk) x 1.306 =626.88 ml –> 2½ cups + 2 tablespoons of milk
Of course, if you measure by volume rather than weight, you need to be aware of the following:
1 cup240ml
½ cup120ml
⅓ cup80ml
¼ cup60ml

1 tablespoon15ml
1 teaspoon5ml
½ teaspoon2.5ml
¼ teaspoon1.25ml


Step 1: start by determining the radius of the pan the recipe calls for:(diameter of cake pan in centimeters or inches )/ 2 = radius
Step 2: determine the radius of the pan you want to use:Again: (diameter of cake pan in centimeters or inches )/ 2 = radius
Step 3: use the new round cake pan conversion formula to determine the factor with which you need to multiply the ingredients in the recipe using the round cake pan conversion formula:(radius x radius of the pan you’re using)/ (radius x radius of the pan the recipe calls for) = factor
Step 4: use this factor to calculate the amount of ingredient’s you’ll need:factor x ingredients = right amount of ingredients for your pan
That’s it! Isn’t that easy??? This way, you can turn a recipe that makes a tiny 13-cm/5-inch cake into a huge wedding cake! Just calculate the factor by which you need to multiply the ingredients! And don’t worry too much if the amount of ingredients you need is a bit odd, like 388ml or something. Trust me, 390ml will do fine!
Oh, and the best part? This method works for regular cake pans and springform pans! Just don’t forget to use your head before pouring a batter into a springform pan. The batter can’t be too runny! Oh, and baking a cheesecake in a regular cake pan doesn’t sound like a good idea to me either, but apart from that, this method works beautifully!